Subject : Science year 5
Theme : Investigating Living Things
Learning area : 2. Survival of the species
Learning Objectives : 2.2 Understanding that different plants have their own
ways to ensure the survival of their species.
Learning Outcomes :2.2.1 State various ways plants disperse their seeds and
Scientific Process Skill : Experimenting, observing.
Thinking skills :Predicting, Interpreting data.
Teaching aids : Different types of seeds, a basin of water, phptographs
of plants.
Prior Knowledge : Pupils have knowledge about the various ways plants
Learning Outcome : At the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to:
i) State various ways plants disperse their seeds and
ii) Give examples of plants that disperse seeds and
fruits by water, wind, and animals.
Activities :
Pupils watch a video from “youtube” of how seeds and fruits are being dispersed.
Step 1:-
Teacher begins by describing two situations:
Plant A :- Fruits and seeds are scattered around the parent plant
Plant B :- Fruits and seeds are carried away from the parent plant
Plant A :- Plant B:-
Pupils discuss the various ways of plants dispersal.
Step 2:-
Teacher asks pupils to carry out an experiment as shown below:-
- Pupils work in groups.
- Pupils prepare tomato seed, rubber seed and coconut.
- Pupils put them in the basin of water.
- Pupils record theit findings in a table.
- Pupils list down characteristics of each ways of dispersal.
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- Pupils write conclusion. | ||
Step 4:- Pupils do the exercises. Conclusion:- Teacher asks questions to reinforce understanding of the lesson. Examples of questions:- How balsam seeds are dispersed? Why is it important for the seeds to be dispersed? | | |
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